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What To Do If Your Dog Is Bitten By A Tick After A Hike

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If you take your dog hiking with you, then you need to be prepared for the unfortunate scenario where they get bitten by a tick. You don't want to stop taking your dogs on hikes, so what you need to do is be prepared for what to do should you get home and comb them out and discover a little bloodsucking tick on them. Here's a good breakdown on what supplies you need and what you should do.

Disposable Rubber Gloves

When you have finished combing out your dog, and you are ready to deal with the tick, it's important to wear gloves. The thin disposable gloves that you see doctors and nurses wear are perfect. They will protect you from any secretions that the tick has on its body. These gloves are also thin enough to give you a good "grip". Large rubber gloves that you might have on hand are simply too thick and bulky.

Tweezers (Special Tick Tweezers If Possible)

You will want to remove the tick with tweezers, not fire. Don't try burning it off because it can harm your dog. Take tweezers, ideally specially designed ones that are used in removing ticks, and pry the tick out by grabbing its entire body. When you are pulling the tick out of your dogs skin, do your best to not crush the ticks body in the tweezers because that can rupture the ticks body and cause it to flood germs into your dog. Try and lift it straight up and "pluck" it out.

Plastic Air Tight Container

Crushing a tick is very difficult, you might not kill it and if you toss it in the trash it might make its way out and be free to roam around your home. Furthermore, you want to keep the tick in case your dog starts to show signs of sickness so that you can bring it to a vet. This can help in identified the tick (deer tick, which has lyme disease or dog tick which might have Rocky Mountain spotted fever).

Watch For Signs Of Sickness

It's important to watch for any signs of sickness in your dog. If your dog starts to get very tired, or vomits, or begins to pace around and act visibly upset, it is very important that you take them to the vet. You should also bring along the jar with the tick inside. This will help the vet determine the type of tick, and what sort of potential sickness they are dealing with. The vet will be able to determine the course of action, what sort of antibiotics to prescribe, and how to help your dog recover.
